Dr. Svetoslav Manoilov
PhD Candidate
Department of Modern and Contemporary History
Faculty of History
Sofia University
15 Tsar Osvoboditel blvd.
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
e-mail: heraklit@abv.bg
History, Russian history, Russian conservatism, History of ideas, Politics, Geopolitics, Society and culture.
Ph.D. in Modern History (to be completed in December 2011)
The Russian conservatism during the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century
(in Bulgarian language) with academic supervisor ass.prof. Rositza Tasheva, PhD
Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
- visiting PhD student at The Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (IX-X, 2009 ) with academic supervisor prof. Nikolay Cimbaev, PhD
- visiting PhD student at The Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (IV-V, 2010 ) with academic supervisor prof. Nikolay Cimbaev, PhD
- visiting PhD student at The Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (IX, 2011 ) with academic supervisor prof. Nikolay Cimbaev, PhD
Master’s Degree in Ancient History and Culture (2007)
Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bachelor of Arts in History (2005)
Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
1.“Death and Immortality in the ideas of the Russian religious philosophers Fedor Dostoevsky and Nikolay Berdyaev” в CLIOHRES.net, vol IV, TWG 3, Routines of Existence. Pisa University Press. 2010, pp. 181-191.
2.„Emperor Alexander I’s Project for a United Christian Nation in Europe”. CLIOHRES.net, vol V, TWG 3, Historizing Religion. Pisa University Press. 2010, p. 17-30.
3.“The “Godseekers” Fedor Dostoevsky and Nikolay Berdyaev” in “Anamnesis”, y. VI, b. 2, pp. 104-146 ( “Боготърсачите” Фьодор Достоевски и Николай Бердяев – В сп. “Аnamnesis”, год. IV, кн. 2, с. 104-146); http://anamnesis.info/fonts/versiq.1.3/journal/flash_journal/broi10-Manoilov/Manoilov.html
4.“The Russian nationalists The “Black hundred”(Chornaya sotnya) and the participation of Russia in WWI” in “The Great war”. Sofia, 2009, pp 142-164. (Руските националисти (Черна стотна) и участието на Русия в Първата световна война” – В „Голямата война”, С. 2009, с. 142-164.)
5.”The Birth of the modern European conservatism and its influences over the Russian conservative idea” – in “Anamnesis”, y. VI, b. 3-4, pp 29-111. (“Зараждането на модерния западноевропейски консерватизъм и влиянието му върху руската консервативна идея” - В сп. “Аnamnesis”, год. VI, кн. 3-4, с. 29-111.) http://anamnesis.info/fonts/versiq.1.3/journal/flash_journal/broi13-Manoilov/S-Manoilov-statiya_br_3-4_2011.html
6.”The voice” of the Russian conservatism” – in “Collegium historicum”. Sofia, 2011, vol. I, pp. 504-525. (Гласът на руския консерватизъм Михаил Катков” – В сборник на „Collegium historicum”, С., т. I. 2011, с. 504-525.)
- 1.11.2011, conference in Sofia, organized by “Centre for Excellence “Dialogue Europe”, “PhD dialogues autumn-2011”
- November, 2010, PhD conference, organized by , Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
- May 2010, international conference in Kyustendil, Bulgaria, organized by Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
- March 2010, international conference in Brussels, Belgium, organized by Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net”
- December 2009 . international conference in Pisa, Italy, organized by Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net” Cliohres.net in Pisa
- May 2009, international conference in Kyustendil, Bulgaria, organized by Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
- March 2009, conference in Gjuletchitza, Bulgaria, organized by Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
- February 2009, international conference in Alcala, Spain,organized by Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net”
- November 2008, international conference in Prague, Czech Republic, organized by Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net”
- October 2008, international ethnological conference in Gjuletchitza, Bulgaria, organized by Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”
- September 2008, international conference in Potsdam, Germany, organized by Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net”
Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net” – 2009-2010 - clioh.net; Centre for Excellence “Dialogue Europe” – 2009-2011 - http://dialogueeurope.org/en_US/news/ ; Centre for Excellence “Colleguim Historicum“ – 2009-2011 - http://collegium.uni-sofia.bg/
Translations; editing
Bulgarian (mother tongue); English, Russian, Serbo-Croatian.
Windows, MS Office, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Adobe Reader, Adobe Photoshop
Network of Excellence “Cliohres.net” - clioh.net; Centre for Excellence “Dialogue Europe” –- http://dialogueeurope.org/en_US/news/; Centre for Excellence “Colleguim Historicum“ – http://collegium.uni-sofia.bg/