INTERNATIONAL SECURITY: NEW THREATS, OLD FEATURES. Dr. Evgeniy Gamerman. Lecture. May 15, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

The Eurasia Center VIA EVRASIA at Faculty of History of Sofia University

has pleasure in iviting you to a lecture of Dr. Evgeniy Gamerman about 


May 15, 2014

Rectorat, 21 a, 13–15.00



Evgeniy Gamerman

Lazo st. 60, fl.77

Blagoveschensk, Amur region, 675000

Russian Federation 

Mobile: +79622847565




2009- 2012      The Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship (Business) by the Government of Moscow. Blagoveschensk branch

Law faculty

2006-2007   Presidential program for training of administration specialists (cadres)

Economic faculty (speciality -  strategical management)


2002-2005   Amur State University Blagoveschensk

Post graduate study on the speciality 07.00.02 – Native/Home History, the candidate of historical sciences


1998-2002   Blagoveschensk  State Teacher’s Training University

Historical faculty, speciality – teacher of history, the diploma of honor



The Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship (Business) by the Government of Moscow. Blagoveschensk branch

September 2008- till the present day-  senior lecturer of the sub-faculty of the state (public) and law disciplines

  • Read lectures, lead/ conduct seminars on the disciplines of the sub-faculty (The History of State and Law of Russia, the History of State and Law in Foreign Countries, Regional and National Security)


Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service  Nachodka branch

July 2007-August 2008   senior lecturer of the sub-faculty of humanitarian disciplines

  • Lead lectures and  seminars on the disciplines “Native/ Home History”, “Integrational processes in the Asian Pacific Region (APR)”, “Problems of International Security”


Amur State University Blagoveschensk

July 2003-July 2007   assistant (junior teacher), from 2005 senior lecture of the sub-faculty of World History and International Relations 

  • Teach courses “Regional and National Security”, “Social and political systems of the Western Europe Countries” on the faculty of  International Relations, “Native/ Home History”


Amur State University 

June 2006 – July 2007  deputy dean of the faculty of International Relations on Science (Research)

  • Organize scientific (research) events, provide cooperation (interaction) between The Board of Scientific Researches of the University with sub-faculties of the faculties, intensify and stimulate research activities of teachers and students




Scholarships / grants

  1. Bogaturov’s  school (Summer Institute of International Relations) Smolrnsk, 2006
  2. Bogaturov’s school (Winter Institute of International Relations) Afanosovo 2010
  3. Grant of  Vladivostok Center of the Studying of  Organized Crimes jointly with Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (George Mason University, Washington)



List of publications

1 The recurrence of banditry in the Far East in the early 20s of the twentieth century. – Article. - Russia and China in the Far Eastern boundaries. - No. 2. - Blagoveshchensk, 2001. - p. 420-424. - 5 pages.

2 The role of the police in the liberation of the Far East (on the example of (the struggle against) anti-hunhuznichestvo in the Amur region). – Article. – Proceedings (materials) of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the ending of the civil war and foreign military intervention in the Far East. - Blagoveshchensk, 2002. - p. 89-93. - 6 pages.

3 Formation of the law enforcement system in the Far East (the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century). – Article.- Russia and China in the Far Eastern boundaries. - No.6/ - Blagoveshchensk, 2003. - p. 14-16. - 3 pages.

4 Police Academy 100 years ago. – Article. - Proceedings (materials) of the fourth regional scientific-practical conference "Youth of the XXI century: a step into future." - Blagoveshchensk, 2003. - p. 552-553. - 2 pages.

5 Crime situation and the dynamics of crime development in the Far East in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. – Article. - Proceedings (materials) of the sixth International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "The intellectual potential of universities on the development of the Russian Far East." -Vladivostok, 2004. - p. 38-41. - 4 pages.

6 Judiciary organs of the Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. – Article. - Russia and the Asia-Pacific Region. - № 4 (46) - 2004. - p. 102-105. – the magazine is recommended for inclusion WAC Russian Ministry of Education. - 4 pages.

7 The appearance and arrangement of judicial institutions in the Russian Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. – Article. –the Eighth Far Eastern conference of young historians. - Vladivostok, 2004. - p. 52-56. - 5 pages

8 Police in the Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the twentieth century. Article. – the Journal of the FEB RAS. - № 4. - 2005. - p. 164-168. - the Magazine is recommended for inclusion WAC Russian Ministry of Education. - 5 pages

9 Extraterritoriality as a destabilizing factor of the crime situation in the Far East in the second half of the nineteenth century. – Article. - Proceedings of the VII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "The intellectual potential of universities on the development of the Russian Far East." - Vladivostok, 2005. - p. 52-54. - 3 pages.

10 The labor of the prisoners as a means of education and a means of solving the challenges of the economy. The penitentiary (prison) system in the Far East. The second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries. – Article. - Russia and the Asia-Pacific Region. - № 1 (51). - 2006. - p. 14-26. - Magazine is recommended for inclusion WAC Russian Ministry of Education. - 13 pages.

11 The peculiarities (features) of the crime situation in the Far East of Russia in the before the revolution period. – Article. - Crime in Russia: the history of the formation and possible perspectives. – Proceedings (materials) of the 40th correspondent Russian Scientific Conference/ Ed. S.N.Poltoraka. - Stp., Nestor, 2005. - p. 73-76. - 4 pages.

12 Law enforcement agencies of the Far East of Russia in the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century (regional differences and peculiarities). – Article. – Proceedings (materials) of the International Forum on the Problems of Science, Technology and Education. Volume 1. - Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the Earth, 2005. - p. 42-44. - 3 pages.

13 Amur convict prison (hard labor) as a factor of development and settlement of the Amur (region) in the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. – Article. - Demographic situation in the Amur region: status and perspectives. - Blagoveshchensk, 2006. - p. 137-142. -  6 pages.

14 Police schools in the Far East: the attempts to improve and to increase the professionalism of police officers in the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. -  the IX Far Eastern Conference of young historians. - Blagoveshchensk, 2005. - p. 36-38. - 3 pages.

15 The role of the subject "Regional and National Security" in the education and preparation of students of the specialization "Region study". Article.- The university educational environment: resources, technology. - Blagoveshchensk, 2006. - p. 164-166. - 3 pages.

16 Regional and national security. - Teaching and Training and Methodical Manual. - Blagoveshchensk, 2006. - 26 p.

17 Judicial Reform in the Russian Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. – Article. - Newsletter FEB RAS. - № 5. - 2006. - p.156-161. - 6 pages.

18 The penitentiary (prison) system of the Russian Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century: the degree of scrutiny of the problems in national historical science. – Article. - Journal ASU. - № 36 - 2007. - p. 12-13. - 2 pages.

19 The activities of organs of general police of the Russian Far East in the fight with the Chinese crime in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. – Article. – the Amur -  the Russia's outpost in the Far Eastern boundaries. – Proceedings (materials) of the Regional Scientific Conference. - Blagoveshchensk, 2007. - p. 211-215. - 5 pages.

20 Economic integration of the Russian Far East and the Pacific Section of the Russian-Chinese border in the integration processes in Northeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects. – Article. – Proceedings (materials) of International Conference - Blagoveshchensk, 2007. - p. 139-143 - 5 pages.

21 Law enforcement agencies in the Russian Far East in the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. 1856 - 1917 years. – Monograph. - Vladivostok. Dal'nauka, 2008. - 237 pages. -14.8 pp.

22 Police of the Far East of the Russian Empire: the legislative framework of its work (1856 - 1917). – Article. - the sixth Grodekovskie readings. Actual problems of research of Russian civilization in the Far East. - Volume 1. - Khabarovsk, 2009. - p. 175 -180. - 6 pages.

23 Justice of the Peace Court in the Far East of Russia. – Article -.  Pacific Russia in the history of the Russian and East Asian civilization. - the Fifth Krushanovskie reading. - Volume 1. - Vladivostok, 2008. - p.215-219. - 5 pages.

24 Legislative support of the judiciary organs of the Far East of Russia. 1856 - 1917 years.- Article. - Russia - East - West: problems of intercultural communication. – proceedings (materials) of the 4th International Conference. -  Beijing, 2-4 March 2009 in 2 parts. - Part II. History, philosophy, and culture. - Beijing: Publishing House, 2009. - 376 p. - p.p. 20-22. 3 

25 Functional responsibilities and activities of the employees (officers) of the general police of the Russian Far East in the second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX century. – Article. -  Pacific Russia and Asia-Pacific region countries in a changing world. -  Collection of articles. - Vladivostok, Dal'nauka. 2009. - p. 205-214. - 10 p.

26 Far Eastern crime in pre-revolutionary period: historical and regional characteristics and peculiarities. – Article. - Ecumene, Regionovedcheskie studies. - 2008, 2007. - № 3. - p.13-22. - 10 pages.

27 Modernization of police of the Far East in Tsarist Russia. – Article. - Russian correspondence scientific conference. Historical aspects of the process of political modernization of Russia. - Yekaterinburg. – PolitIst, 2010. - p.60-66 - 6 pages.

28 The crisis in the education system as a threat for (of) the national security of the Russian Federation. – Article. - Proceedings (materials) of the XII practical and scientific conference of the teachers (faculty) and staff of the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow (Blagoveshchensk Branch). - Blagoveshchensk. - Publisher BSPU. - 2010. –p. 142-144. – 12 pages.

29 Non-traditional threats to the national security of the Russian Far East and North-East Asia. – Article. -  Journal of the Academy. - Scientific journal. – 2010.  - № 3. - P. 99-101. - 2 pages.

30 Law enforcement agencies of the Far East of the Russian Empire in 1856-1917 gg.: Legislative framework of the activities. – Article. - Journal of the Academy. - Scientific journal. – 2010. - № 2. - P.84-87. - 3 pages.

31 Political aspects of economic security of the Russian Far East in the conditions of the ending financial crisis. – Article. - Social science. Social Sciences. Russian scientific journal. - Moscow, Publishing House of Sciences. - 2011. - Number 1. - p.240-243. - 3 pages.

32 Once again about the theory of gray areas in world politics. – Article. - Social science. Social Sciences. Russian scientific journal. - Moscow, Publishing House of Sciences. - 2011. - Number 7. - p.402-409. - 8 pages.

33 Drug trafficking as a threat for national security (on the example of the Russian Far East). – Article. - Journal of the Academy. Scientific journal. – 2011. - № 4. - p.108-113. - 6 pages.

34 The strategy of social and economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region in the period up to 2025: an effective means of ensuring economic security and human security (human security) in the region to become a social and economic development of the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, experiences and perspectives. – Proceedings (materials) of the international correspondence scientific conference. - Komsomolsk-on-Amur, izv0vo AmGPGU. - 2010. - p.20-25 - 6 pages.

35 History of State and Law of foreign countries. - Teaching and Training and Methodical Manual. - Blagoveshchensk, 2011. - 2.56 pp. - 44 pages.

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